As a non-profit registered in the Netherlands, the Internet Confrerie Stichting is required to publish the below information on its website.

General information

The Internet Confrerie Stichting is registered as a stichting (foundation) with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 76593142 and RSIN number 860691524.

The address of the Internet Confrerie Stichting is Van Beuningenplein 103, 1051VT Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


The board of the Internet Confrerie Stichting consists of:

Mr Stephen Song (Chair)
Ms Sanne Stevens (Treasurer)
Mr Carlos Gaio (Secretary)

Board members receive no remuneration for their work; they are compensated for any expenses made in the course of exercising their duties, including travel expenses for Board meetings.

Objective and mission

The statutory mission of the Internet Confrerie Stichting is to protect and promote fundamental rights in the field of communication freedom, in particular by raising money and providing grants to foundations whose (statutory) mission to protect and promote fundamental rights in the field of communication freedom, and all other activities that directly and indirectly support this objective, in the broadest sense of the term.

Policy plan

The policy plan of Internet Confrerie Stichting can be downloaded here.

Activity and financial report

The financial reports have been prepared by Arondeus Van Ek Ten Berge

The Standard Form for Fundraising Institutions (“Standaardformulier publicatieplicht Fondswervende instellingen” – filled in Dutch)